Wednesday, March 30, 2005

pics on the blog

okay, so someone is going to have to teach me how to do pictures on the blog.

Billy, Rho and Ayla at the Beach Boys Concert Posted by Hello

Ayla and Billy at the Beach! Posted by Hello

Ayla and RHo at DelRay Beach Posted by Hello

We went to the YMCA.. Brit, Sarah, Ayla, Billy and Dwan Posted by Hello

Ayla, Rho and Brit.  Posted by Hello

Bruce, another real beach boy.. we are hanging out in the green room..  Posted by Hello

Billy, Rho, Ayla, Randell and Dwan.. Posted by Hello

Randell (who is a part of Papa Du run run) its a beachy band. pretty cool. he is so nice. Posted by Hello

Rhonda and Ayla haning out in the car! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

day 2 and still liking it???

so, i am still learning. Like today i started typing saved my draft and now it's gone. ugghh.. oh well. you live you learn you get over it?

so, while in florida we got all access at a beach boys concert. the beach boys are getting old.. anyhow, ayla (the middle child) anyway ayla's dad(jamie) got us back stage. we got to drink wine and beer and eat food and hang out with all those beach boys. they sang the song help me rhonda. so, that's cool. there are only 2 orginal beach boys left ..bruce and mike.. i have pictures and as soon as i learn to upload i will! we met this guy name randell, friend of Jamie's, and he was super cool. i just loved that guy. anyhow, the concert and all was cool..

today has been uneventful. i had to go find our dogs. drag them home. they are big cute lovable dogs. but, it snowed alot here today so i walked in snow down the road to get them.

Bill (the dad) and Kris (the oldest) just got home from japan today. Kris got to go for her 18th birthday. now, that's an 18th birthday present right there. :)

oh man, this picture blog thing almost is pissing me off. I gotta work on that tomorrow. so, i have this nice huge camera and during the holidays i was told that my film was messed up due to XRAY machines and flying.. so, i lost like 50 pictures. well i used my camera in florida and same thing. i was like pos camera. so, anyways i am saving money for a camera. and i have decided digital is the only way to go.. hello rhonda welcome to camera land.

alrighty friends we will talk soon!

Monday, March 28, 2005

my first day on the blog thingy

So, this is my first time on the blog.. I feel like everyone is doing it and it would be useful for me especially since i am always emailing and updating and such. we have to establish rules though. no grammer or spelling correction. i am just writing my thoughts not a book. that's my only rule today.

I have a lot to write on this baby.. but, i think i am going to take it one day at a time..

So, i took this job in colorado to be a nanny. it was really a god thing. By that i felt i was suppose to leave arkanas and try something new. just a feeling in my stomache. i like my job most days. though i get really pissy sometimes cause i feel like my friends (except amber) live a long ways off. so anyway, i have this great job and entertaining kids and i get to travel a i know all this.

like we just got back from florida. we spent like 10 days there. it was a good time. dwan owns a house in DelRay Beach. she invited all her family so it was mass choas. i met this kid called brit. he was cool. he was ayla (the middle child's) childhood friend. so, yeah, florida was good. need to go back with some friends.

I turn 26 while being there. gotta love being in your late 20's. dang it! :)

okay, i am going to practice blogging again tomorrow.