the finer things in life
Well, it's been a while. I think mainly cause I feel so scattered when i sit down to type... oh well, here is the scattered thoughts of a nanny/live in/crazy lady. atleast i have it in subjects.. haha
American Idol/The Apprentience/Reality TV
I must admit for the first time in 5 season I got majorly addicted to American Idol. From the 1st show I thought Carrie was just excellent. One cause she is from small town america not far from my hometown. I Love BO! But, Carrie just won me over day one. Who knew you could be so addicted! ha! I love this season. my favorite! The Apprentience was also good this season. Season one my favorite but, I even enjoyed it more cause I knew some behind the scene stuff. The girl who won, Kendra is a part of Dwan's Real Estate group in Florida. So, that's cool. Where Kendra will be working for the Trump man is about 30 minutes from the house in Florida! I watch the finale of Survivor this week too. TO be honest.. I like to get into about the 8th week. But, since Craig and my ARK friends quit the Survivor group (cause we all moved away) I haven't been in the mode. Though the finale was awesome! I loved it!!
Working out:
Well, I have to say I have really swam hard this last 6 weeks! Goals are being met! I feel really good about things! thanks sarah for being so encouraging!
Weather: Okay it was hotter than a pistol. hotter than a firecracker till today. I mean by hot it was like in the 90's in D-town. AC weather in my opinion. Today it was 40 degrees in Bailey. COme on weather people get with the program!
Arkansas: I am so happy and excited and thrilled and emotional about it all!!! i love it!! i can't wait to be in Hawg country. to see friends. just too short for dang sure.
going out: the kids and i went out to dinner cause school is over tomorrow then everyone parts ways till June 25th. Anyways, our waitor was a familar face in Bailey.. so as always we were givin him a hard time.. he was great sport. SO, when i got the check i was writing a personal check.. i wrote in the memo KRIS thinks youre HOT!!! well, i am saying good bye to a lady and the kid comes up to ayla and says is kris a boy? he was beat red. i think the owners told him the boy thought he was hot. he was relieved. good thing i tip well!
People: I just love certain people. there is this one friend whose just so sweet. we are years a part but, he is so caring and sweet and thoughtful. When you live away from everything you know you realize those friends mean the world to ya.. i got great friends. you people rock my world. thanks.
live in my world: so i do interesting things.. like i am Dwan's personal shopper's. It's kinda of fun to shop for someone else with someone elses money! haha!
okay, well call me and maybe i can squeeze ya in while i am in ark.