Sunday, June 26, 2005

a little more than you wanted to know...

An interesting tidbit or forty...
Have you ever: (check all that apply)
(X) smoked a cigarette? (this is going to shock a lot of people, but i have)
(X ) smoked a cigar? with someone that would surprise others. don't worry our secret is safe -- she's a preachers wife..
( ) smoked anything else?
(x) kissed a member of the same sex? man this will raise questions.. not too worry i love love boys!!
( ) crashed a friend's car?
( ) been in love?
(X) been dumped?
(X ) shoplifted? accidently.
( ) been fired?
() been in a fist fight?
(X) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
( ) been arrested?
(X) made out with a stranger? maybe i shouldn't do this questionare.....
() gone on a blind date?
(X) lied to a friend?
( ) had a crush on a teacher?
( ) slept with a co-worker?
( ) saw someone die (not on TV)?
(x) drank till you puked?
( ) been in an abusive relationship?
(X) been attracted to someone that your friends thought was unattractive? probably my friends are all really hot..(X) cheated while playing a game? this is no shock..
(X) been lonely?
(x ) used a fake ID?yes, when i went to hogs game i pretended to be sarah!
(X) had deja vu?
() felt an earthquake?
(X) been robbed? lost over $500 bucks!
() robbed someone?
()been suspended from school? no i had perfect attendance. that will shock my college friends cause i loved skippin class!
(X) been in a car accident?
( ) witnessed a crime?
(X) questioned your heart?
(X) been lost?
() been to the opposite side of the country? I hope to go to China soon.
(X) swam in the ocean?
( X) cried yourself to sleep?
( ) sung karaoke? have u heard me sing?
(X) not had enough money for food?
(X) paid for a meal with only coins? in college of course
(X) made prank phone calls?
(X) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
() kissed in the rain? i have been missing out
(X) crashed a party? well one time i was taking care of one of my teens and I came home and there were over 50 teens in the house. it was wild. and uncontrollable.
(X) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people, or a bus full of people, or a train full of people? many many time
( X) had a wish come true?
() told a complete stranger you loved them?
() had sex in a park?
( X) had a dream that you married someone? to a complete stranger.
( X) ever felt the presence of a ghost? well not really. i have freaked myself out thought. umm i do love the song ghostbusters!
(X) worn a really ugly outfit to school? just out my yearbook.
( ) gone streaking?
(X ) been pushed into a pool/lake with all of your clothes on?
(X ) pushed someone into a pool/lake with all of their clothes on?
(X) been told you were hot by a complete stranger? i know think when a stranger says that they want sex
(x ) broken a bone? broken toe
(X) caught a fish then ate it?
(X) laughed so hard you cried?
(X ) cried so hard you laughed?
(X) mooned/flashed someone? well, this is debatable
(x) cheated on a test? uhh i think i was accussed
() gone skinny dipping?
(x ) been kicked out of your house? it was liberating
(x) felt crushing defeat? the hogs losing? of course
(X) felt thrilling victory? thge hogs winning like against TEXAS